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GLSEQ License Renewal Support

Nuclear Power License Renewal Support

GLSEQ can assist you with your license Renewal process when your nuclear plant needs to extend its licenses from 40 to 60 years. We have an extensive aging library and equipment qualification database that helps to simplify the process of analyzing your equipment and your life extension basis.
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Extend the license of your nuclear power plant

GLSEQ was instrumental in the License Renewal process when nuclear plants extended their licenses from 40 to 60 years.

We have an extensive aging library and equipment qualification database that helps to simplify the process of analyzing your equipment and your life extension basis.

GLSEQ also performed the Time Limited Aging Analyses (TLAA) for several nuclear plants that were required of safety-related equipment.

Extensive Commercial Nuclear Plant License Experience

  • Aging Library
  • Equipment Qualification Database
  • Expert Analysis

Nuclear License Renewal Experts

Our expert, Jim Gleason, has over four decades of professional experience in all aspects of equipment qualification and equipment life extension. Jim was the Nuclear Engineering Director at Wyle Labs (now NTS) before starting GLSEQ LLC.

Mr. Gleason served as the Chairman of the IEEE STD 323 -2003, “IEEE Standard for Qualifying Class 1E Equipment for Nuclear Power Generating Stations”. He is also a member of the IEEE Nuclear Power Engineering Committee and the lead developer of risk-informed performance-based evaluations of nuclear standards.

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Global Support
Nuclear QA Standard NQA-1
10 CFR 50 Appendix B

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