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About Us

GLSEQ has been leading the nuclear safety equipment qualification world for over 25 years. We have over 100+ combined years of commercial nuclear industry equipment safety and quality experience.
night view nuclear power plant

Our Story

GLS Enterprises, Inc. was formed in 1993 and became GLSEQ, LLC in 2006. We provide safety-related equipment, nuclear safety engineering and testing services, and training for nuclear power plants and commercial industry.

GLSEQ also provides vendor representative services for select companies and has a Quality Assurance Program meeting 10CFR 50 Appendix B and Nuclear QA Standard NQA-1.

Our solutions enable nuclear equipment suppliers, reactor design companies, national laboratories, reactor utilities, and government agencies assurance that all lifecycle aspects of equipment design, qualification, usage, maintenance, and decommissioning can be addressed.

GLSEQ has over 100 combined years of equipment qualification (EQ) experience, condition monitoring experience, nuclear research and development experience, and commercial grade dedication experience. This knowledge capture has been utilized to develop proprietary processes and software tools that have enabled GLSEQ to gain customers around the world.

Our Leadership Team

Jim is the founder and president of GLSEQ. He has over 40+ years in nuclear power safety and was the former Wyle Labs Nuclear engineering director (17-years).
Jim received his BS, Mechanical Engineering, from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and his MS, Industrial Engineering, from The Ohio State University.
James Gleason
Tom has 35+ years in the nuclear energy industry. He was the President and Co-Founder of Fulcrum Group. He also was the Co-Founder of Cannuke.
Tom received his BS, Business Management, from the United States Air Force Academy. He has Graduate Studies, Engineering Management, from The University of Alabama in Huntsville
Tom Hancock
VP, Operations
Gene has over 40 years in nuclear power safety. He was the Deputy Commissioner New York State Energy Office. He also heald leadership positions in Envirocare of Utah and MHF Logistical Solutions.
He received his BA from Villanova University, his MA from the University of Albany, SUNY, and his ABD/PHD, from the University of Albany, SUNY. He was also part of the Senior Government Fellows Program at Harvard University.
Gene Gleason
VP, Business Development
Pat has over 20 years of experience in the nuclear quality assurance industry. He was previously the Quality Assurance Manager for WEG's generator manufacturing and qualification for the MOX Project. He received his A.A.S. in Industrial Electric Technology from CCC. He has completed the ASME NQA-1 course, master course, and ASME Fraudulent Parts Training.
Pat Gleason
VP, Quality Assurance
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